
Confirmation is offered to 7th and 8th graders or anyone older who has not yet been confirmed.  They will learn about what it means to be a Christian and will prepare for their confirmation.  This is a 2-year program which runs for 20 weeks during the school year.

Welcome to Confirmation 2023-2024.


Things you need to know.

We invite all youth in grades 7 and 8 to participate in our confirmation program. Classes will be Wednesdays at 6:30 - 7:45 pm. Start date is in September 2024. Join us as we grow in faith and discipleship! To sign up or ask any questions you might have, please contact Pastor Anke.

Confirmation Class of 2023-2024

On Sunday, March 17th the Confirmation Class of 2023-2024 read their faith statements! Click on the button below to read them if you were unable to join us.